Shawn Smith - Ninja Dog
Shawn is the creator of Shawnimals, a world of the cute, funny, and kind of weird creatures that come out of his brain.
Shawnimals includes characters like the Wee Ninja from Ninjatown, Moustachios, Pocket Pork Dumplings, and so many more. Being inspired by pop culture at-large, and then turning it into something entirely new is one of his favorite parts of what he does.
He has made thousands of handmade plush goods since Shawnimals' humble beginnings, with even more products released in the form of designer toys and other such collectibles with companies like Kidrobot and Rotofugi, lifestyle accessories and apparel with Mimoco, David and Goliath, and Smash Transit, amazing promotional goods with companies like MailChimp, Basecamp, Revolution Brewing, and others, not to mention comics, video games for Nintendo, iOS, and Android, and many more.